HSC Admission Bangladesh www.educationboardresults.gov.bd. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent admission start on across the country on 26 May 2016. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid pronounce at a press meeting about HSC admission 2016.
HSC Online Admission 2016 All Boards | www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd. HSC Admission 2016 in different colleges of Bangladesh will start soon. Like previous two years, no admission test will be held for admission into colleges. GPA will be the only parameter for admission in colleges. But this time, admission procedure will be different. Formerly HSC procedure was SMS based. HSC admission 2016 procedure is online based.

HSC Admission Bangladesh

Dhaka | Rajshahi | Chittagong | Jessore | Comilla | Barishal | Sylhet | Dinajpur
User Manual for Online Apply
Top colleges in Dhaka HSC admission 2016 Bangladesh
How to submit HSC online admission form 2016
Deadline for HSC Online Admission 2016-17:- Online Application started from 26th May 2016.
- End of Application receiving by colleges on June 09, 2016.
- The class will be started from 1 July 2016 in all institutes.
SSC exam result 2016 has been published on May 11, 2016. Students who have passed the SSC exam, are searching best colleges for HSC admission 2016 under academic session 2016-2017. All Colleges Bangladesh HSC Admission Circular 2016 will be available here. So you can download HSC Admission Circular 2016 of all colleges in Bangladesh from here easily. HSC Admission Application Processing 2016 will start from May 26.Eligibility for HSC Admission 2016:Students who have passed SSC in 2014-2016, are eligible to HSC admission 2016. Details requirement can be known from respective colleges HSC admission circular 2016. Eligible candidates can apply for 10 Colleges. Students must submit the application within scheduled time.Online Application Procedure:Students can apply online through the website. Students can choice maximum 10 colleges for HSC admission 2016. Online application fees are TK.150 for 10 colleges and Tk.120 for a single college application.SMS Application Procedure:Students can apply via SMS from Teletalk mobile. The application fee is Tk.120 for each college through SMS system. You can see details SMS system for HSC Admission 2016 from below link.www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd
Entire 11,41,374 examinees join from 8,104 learning organizations all over the Bangladesh. Besides, 606,293 examinees are boys and 535,081 examinees are girls occupied share in HSC Exam 2016 under 10 education boards, plus madrasa and technical boards.
In 2014, a number of examinees have augmented by more than 1.28 lakh. Over 2.09 lakh applicants are not sedentary for the examinations as they did not seal in the forms. The HSC exams 2014 held in 5 overseas centres in Doha, Abu Dhabi, Jeddah, Riyadh and Tripoli.
- Online Application Start: 26 May 2016.
- Online Application End: 9 June 2016.
- Selected candidate List of HSC Admission 2016 Publication Date: 16 June 2016.
- Date of Admission from 1st Merit List: 18 June to 30 June 2016
- HSC Admission 2nd Merit List Publication Date: 6 July 2016
- Date of Admission from 2st Merit List and Migration List: 7 July to 10 July 2016
- Release Slip Application Date: 6 July to 8 July 2016
- HSC Admission Release Slip Result: 9 July 2016

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