Saturday, December 7, 2013

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013 Bangladesh

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013  The Viva test multiple choices for the post of Primary Assistant Teacher under primary development program education 3, which took place April 12, 2013, Friday. Now, all the candidates are waiting impatiently the result. Primary Assistant Teacher Viva result 2013 has published.

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013
The exact date of primary Assistant teacher Viva result publication 2013 is 9/10/2013. But more likely the quiz result will be published either on the last week of October or the first week of November 2013. Primary Assistant Teacher Viva result 2013 will be updated in the site just after its publication.

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013

Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Result has published
This year, a total of 11 lakh and 90 thousand candidates participated in the MCQ Examination for the post of Primary Assistant Teacher. Among them, 14,858 candidates will be selected for examination viva. Those who will be able to clear the last obstacle that means examination viva, they will eventually get the rank of Primary Assistant Teacher.
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013
Primary Assistant Teacher Written Examination Result 2013
The process total of primary Assistant teacher appointment is regulated by the Bangladesh Directorate of Education (DPE) under Ministry of Primary And Mass Education. DPE published the announcement recruiting eligibility to take the exam for Primary Assistants Teacher main from November 2012. Each year, a number of candidates are appointed to the position of for Primary Assistants Teacher of Bangladesh Directorate of Education (DPE). It's the eradication of sufficient scarcity of teachers of the primary level program in Bangladesh is really commendable!
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013
Primary Assistant Teacher Viva Examination Result 2013


I'm an assistant professor of Physics, Head of the department, in BAF Shaheen College Dhaka since 1984. I'm almost 30 years in the profession of teaching. If you have benefited from my website, please consider to sharing it among your friends.

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