NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 The admission procedure for the 1st year honours students for the session 2013-14 under National University has almost been completed. The admission procedure of NU began with form fill up in November 2013. The admission test of NU held on December 7,2013 in MCQ method in different centers all over Bangladesh. Total 4,01,374 candidates appeared at Nu honours admission test. NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 punished on December 26, 2013. 1,57,144 candidates achieved their position in the 1st merit list according to their merit. The second merit list published on January 16, 2014. According the Notice of National University admission 2013-14 third merit list will also be published soon.
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14

National University Admission: Result
Check nu 1st Year Honours Admission Result 2013-14
NU 1st Year Admission Test Result 2013-14 Via Mobile SMS
Type: NU<space>RESULT<space>CollegeCode<space>Exam Roll And Send to 16222 Example: NU RESULT 6410 70042 And Send to 16222
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14
Check NU Admission Test Result 2013-14:NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 has already been published. On December 26, 2013 NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 was published by official website of national university. Due to heavy load on the official website of NU the server sometimes gets fallen down. As a result sometimes some mechanical errors are seen. In this situation i appear before you with NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 in my website
You can easily check NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 here.
NU Admission Test Result 2013-14
Step By Step NU Admission 2013-14 Procedure At A Glance:1. Online NU admission form fill up
2. NU Admission Test 2013-14
3. NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 First merit list- Phase has been completed
4. NU Admission Form fill up for the First merit list- Phase has been completed
5. NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 Second merit list- Phase has been completed
6. NU Admission 2013-14 Online Migration Release Slip Download- CLICK HERE
7. NU Migration Result 2013-14- CLICK HERE
8. NU Admission Test Result 2013-14 Third merit list- CLICK HERE (Supposed to be published soon)
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